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- "@HIT" Methodology; Key Considerations and Strategies -

When working with these individuals, it's crucial to be aware of the unique challenges and psychosocial situations they may face. The "Home In Transition" Methodology by Desinovastudios offers key considerations and strategies to support refugees and migrants on their entrepreneurial journey.

1️⃣ Adopt a trauma-informed approach: By understanding the various types of trauma refugees may have experienced, such as conflict-related trauma, displacement, and loss, trainers can mitigate potential negative impacts on their learning experiences. This approach supports psychological well-being and enhances their ability to engage and benefit from the training program.

2️⃣ Prioritise physical and emotional safety: Create a secure training venue where participants feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment. Be mindful of potential triggers and provide spaces where participants can opt-out of emotionally challenging activities.

3️⃣ Build trust and rapport: Take time to establish a reliable and consistent relationship with participants. Transparent communication about the training program, expectations, and potential challenging topics helps reduce uncertainty and anxiety.

4️⃣ Empower participants: Offer choices and control over their learning experience whenever possible. This restores a sense of agency that may have been compromised due to past experiences.

5️⃣ Respect cultural backgrounds: Avoid assumptions and be open to learning from participants about their unique needs and preferences. Use trauma-informed language that empowers and supports, avoiding re-traumatisation.

6️⃣ Be flexible and provide support: Acknowledge that trauma can affect concentration and learning abilities. Adjust the pace of training, allow breaks, and offer additional resources or support as needed. Collaborate with mental health professionals or organisations to ensure access to appropriate resources.

7️⃣ Foster community and connection: Facilitate the formation of peer support networks among participants. Regular check-ins and open communication create a culture of support and sharing.

8️⃣ Focus on practical skills and local context: Tailor the training to practical skills directly applicable to entrepreneurship. Provide information on local legal and regulatory aspects, financial literacy training, and career counselling services to empower refugees and develop realistic business plans.

9️⃣ Establish partnerships for long-term support: Collaborate with local organisations specialising in refugee and migrant support and entrepreneurship. This access to additional resources, expertise, and networks helps sustain their entrepreneurial ventures beyond the training program.

🌈 Embrace diversity: Create an inclusive learning environment that values different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Ensure participants feel seen, heard, and valued, as this is when true learning begins.

Together, we can empower individuals to thrive and succeed. 💪🌟

Stay tuned for further insights!


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