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- Practical examples and real-life scenarios -

This week OIH and AKEP has been looking into practical examples of solution-focused approach that could be incorporated into the manual for the trainers.

By incorporating practical examples and real-life scenarios, trainers can effectively demonstrate the application of solutions-focused techniques to empower the target group. By identifying and leveraging strengths, resources, and creative problem-solving, participants can overcome common challenges they face.

In this post, we will delve into the practical application of a solutions-focused approach in training the target group. By providing real-life scenarios and demonstrating how to apply strengths and resources-based techniques, we aim to empower participants to overcome challenges commonly faced in their respective fields.

Scenario 1: Starting a Small Business Let's consider a scenario where a participant wants to start a small business but is unsure where to begin. As a trainer, you can apply a strengths-based approach by helping the participant identify their existing skills, experiences, and resources. Encourage them to reflect on their strengths, such as excellent organizational skills or a strong network of contacts. By leveraging these strengths, the participant can develop a business plan that maximises their resources and increases their chances of success.

Scenario 2: Career Transition Another common challenge faced by the target group is transitioning to a new career path but feels overwhelmed by the lack of relevant experience. As a trainer, you can adopt a resources-based approach by helping the individual identify transferable skills and resources they already possess. Encourage them to focus on their creativity, problem-solving abilities, or even their passion for the field. By highlighting these strengths, you can guide them towards opportunities where they can leverage their existing resources and gradually build the necessary expertise.

Scenario 3: Overcoming Financial Constraints Financial constraints often pose significant challenges for participants. Let's imagine a participant who wishes to start a social enterprise but lacks the necessary capital. In this case, a solutions-focused approach can involve exploring alternative resources and creative funding strategies. As a trainer, you can encourage the participant to consider crowdfunding platforms, partnerships with local organisations, or accessing grants and subsidies. By reframing the challenge as an opportunity to think outside the box and identify innovative solutions, participants can overcome financial barriers and bring their ideas to life.

Stay tuned for further details of our project's progress!

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Disclaimer: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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